Divison OPs (2017 Feb 18-20)
MAGFED event! We are allowing for Stick Fed Pumps or we have limited Magfed Rentals available.
Field Paint ONLY event! You may bring your own FSR's or order ours through pre registration
$65 pre-reg
$75 at the door
PRE REG LINK www.eventbrite.com/e/division-ops-magfed-game-tickets-27340935474
The Story so far.....
We all remember Black Friday. Millions killed by a bio-weapon placed on our currency during perhaps the biggest shopping day on record. Within weeks millions died and sent the US into a tailspin from which there seemed little help.
The “Division” activated their agents in a hope to restore order and assist the military in regaining control. Cities were devastated, especially New York. When the virus hit Birmingham it was too late. All of the resources, or at least a vast majority of what was left were shipped to larger metropolitan areas shortly after the initial outbreak.
Investigations into the matter pinned it on on Rogue agents. Traitors to the cause and too their own country. The Division has sent down its own task force to stabilize the area and bring the rogue agents to justice.
The rogues have been tracked to a small settlement just north of the city. The government classifies it a dark zone, the locals call it Mt. Doom
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