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OEW6: Relief Effort To Butte County Fire

OEW6: Relief Effort To Butte County Fire

Modern Combat Solutions is proud to give back to our players, and to the communities that support them. As we prepare the fields for Operation: End War 6, we watch the wildfire smoke on the horizon and the fire fighting planes and helicopters overhead. They're hard at work saving as many homes as possible from the Butte fire that still burns around us, while we're working diligently to protect and prepare the host facility for OEW6.

It's humbling to see public service professionals put themselves in harm's way to defend our lives, our families, and our communities, whether they are armed operators hunting down the enemies of freedom, or fire fighting professionals staring down wildfires. We're thankful for their service, and we're deeply affected by the plight so many families face as the smoke clears over devastated communities.

So we're doing something to give back to the communities surrounding the Operation: End War 6 field. We're donating 100% of profits from OEW6 to support victims of the Butte fire. We're raffling off a Storm marker to raise funds. We're also working with other sponsors to put together special raffles and promotions. The funds will go to organizations that help with real, tangible support: sheltering those who've lost their homes to the fire and its collateral damage. Feeding those who are now left without food. Helping resettle those who are now out of work.

You can help, too. When you come to Operation: End War 6 this October 9th-11th, near Copperopolis, California, bring some canned goods. Look around your camping supplies, and bring unused sleeping bags and blankets, MREs, tents, and other goods, that we can pass on to those living in emergency relief shelters. Many organizations are helping victims of the Butte wildfire, and their material goods largely come from people like you, through charity events like this. You can be part of helping those displaced by wildfire, all the while enjoying the greatest event in Operation: End War's history!

If you haven't signed up for this MagFed Only game, there's still time. Just go here:

and get hooked up. We'll be glad to welcome you on Friday, October 9th, especially if you come early enough to get in on the formal combat training offered by Calabaras Tactical as an independent component of the weekend. For only $50 per player, starting at 2pm they're going to run a course based on the real-deal training they give combat operators ahead of their deployments. This course will cover CQB operations from both practical and theoretical standpoints so you get to run drills as well as understand the latest strategies in military training, including room clearing, cornering, and even vehicular operations.

Then the next morning, you get to put those skills to the test as you engage in Operation: End War 6! Bring those donations, and try your luck at the great raffles. Whether you go home with a new Storm or some other great prize, your donations will benefit local residents affected by the Butte fire.

We thank you for your kindness, for your generosity, and for your dedication to MagFed paintball the most realistic combat sport!

Modern Combat Solutions  As Real as it Gets!

2015-9-24 20:51:07